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Current events

Irma, the little Cinderella of Józsefváros, does not dream of a rich royal prince: she falls in love with a poor carpenter Lajos Sipos, hopelessly and desperately. But the aging, sullen craftsman has already been chosen by someone else: Adél, the boarding house owner. She even has plans for marriage, meanwhile she is looking for happiness in the arms of his young lover. Ferenc Molnár's comedy about a strange love rectangle is an ironic, heart-wrenching tale that conquered the audience not only in Hungary, but also in foreign theaters.

Director: János Mohácsi

The show is recommended for audiences over 12 years!

In case of a start at 7 p.m., the expected end time of the performance is 10:20 p.m.)
Opening Night: 7 p.m. 23 September 2023 at Vígszínház


A szabadság és a szerelem szívmelengető találkozása látványos vizualitással, lendületes táncokkal és sodró erejű színészi játékkal.

A Redőny vicces és szórakoztató darab. A Redőny megrázó és elgondolkodtató darab.

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