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Bálna program

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Nincs aktuális előadás

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Last event date: Wednesday, October 30 2024 6:00PM

Tchaikovsky’s first ballet is the most beloved classical piece in ballet literature: while the hardships of love between a prince forced into marriage and a maiden enchanted into the form of a swan is one of the most charming Russian romantic fairy tales, the piece nevertheless failed at its original premiere in 1877. The choreographers creating the premiere were simply not equal to Tchaikovsky’s genius. It was Marius Petipa's and Lev Ivanov's choreography that brought fame for the piece and established a tradition, and most companies to this day still dance the piece following this blueprint. Rudi van Dantzig and Toer van Schayk revised this classic creative work in 1988.

The same female ballet dancer portrays both Odette – the pure, innocent white swan– and Odile – the seductive, manipulative black swan in the Hungarian National Ballet’s production.


Choreography after Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov: Rudi van Dantzig
Choreography of folk dances: Toer van Schayk
Composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Set designer: Toer van Schayk
Costume designer: Toer van Schayk
Assistant set and costume designer: Ruud Lutgens
Lighting designer: Jan Hofstra
Répétiteur: Eleonora Demichelis, Toer van Schayk, Caroline Iura
Company répétiteur: Mária Aradi, Cristina Balaban, Albert Mirzoyan, Irina Prokofieva, Tamás Solymosi, György Szirb
Répétiteurs of the Hungarian National Ballet Institute: Dénes Kovács, Dace Radina

Conductor: Gábor Hontvári, Máté Hámori
Odette /Odile: Tatyjana Melnyik, Maria Beck, Maria Yakovleva, Soobin Lee
Siegfried: Dmitry Timofeev, Gergő Ármin Balázsi, Louis Scrivener, Gergely Leblanc
Rothbart: Takaaki Okajima, Iurii Kekalo, Mikalai Radziush, Vlagyiszlav Melnyik
Alexander: Viachaslau Hnedchyk, Taran Dumitru, Alberto Ortega de Pablos, Valerio Palumbo
Featuring the students of the Hungarian National Ballet Institute


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A Várkert Bazárban most először találkozhattok Rumini lebilincselő történetével, egy egészen különleges koncertszínházi előadás bemutatóján, ahol a Firkin Zenekar legalább akkora szerepet kap, mint a szereplők. A színházi előadástól eltérően ezúttal egyedülálló módon élőzenével élvezhetitek a produkciót, amelyből kiderül milyen titkokat rejt a Tükör-sziget.

A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team. Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.


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