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Current events

Allen Felix, the New York intellectual with those unmistakeable glasses - is in a deep crisis: his wife left him, he lives alone in his NY apartement contemplating about the mistakes he had committed... meanwhile he is stricken by fantasies. He starts talking to his favourite movie hero, Humprey Bogart, expecting to learn the secret of how to become a successful, irresistable man... Based upon the famous Woody Allen movie, this play is in the repertory for 25 years now, with Kern András playing the Hungarian Woody Allen.


Sergei Prokofiev ВОЙНА И МИР (WAR AND PEACE) Contemporary Opera Opera in thirteen scenes, in two parts, in Russian with…

Az előadásból sugárzik a népzenei és néptánc kincseink közös ünneplésének öröme.

Az Orfeum mágusa A Budapesti Operettszínház 100. jubileumi évének díszelőadása − ez a vadonatúj nagyoperett − mágikus időutazásra hívja a…

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