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Robert Capa Kortárs Fotográfiai kiállítás / Robert Capa Contemporary Photograhy Center Visit

Robert Capa Kortárs Fotográfiai kiállítás / Robert Capa Contemporary Photograhy Center Visit

Robert Capa (Endre Friedmann, October 22, 1913 – May 25, 1954) is considered the unique visual chronicler of several 20th-century wars (the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Second World War, the First Arab-Israeli War, and the First Indochina War) both in the world and the Hungarian history of photography.

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Last event date: Saturday, March 14 2020 1:00PM

By purchasing the entrance ticket you can visit the following exhibition: The Photojournalist Robert Capa

Robert Capa (Endre Friedmann, October 22, 1913 – May 25, 1954) is considered the unique visual chronicler of several 20th-century wars (the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Second World War, the First Arab-Israeli War, and the First Indochina War) both in the world and the Hungarian history of photography.

As it was characteristic of him, he created his photographs depicting soldiers and partisans, ordinary moments and battles, from the perspective of the participant observer, with unlimited empathy. He was there with them, really close, and this is how his images were born. In his own famous words: If your photographs aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.

Address: Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center (8 Nagymező Street, 1065 Budapest, Hungary)
Opening hours: Monday - Sunday: 11am – 7 pm.
Closed on public holidays

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A Monte Cristo grófja egy igazi, nagy ívű, romantikus musical. A történet ismert: nyüzsgő kikötő, a tenger hullámzása, régi-új szerelmek, esély egy új életre, őrült karneváli forgatag, intrika, bosszúvágy, elégtétel és Párizs, hol jobb és könnyebb az élet... mind-mind megelevenedik Alexandre Dumas világhírű regényének zenés színházi adaptációjában.

It is probably impossible to summarize this miraculous story of Mowgli, Bagheera who escaped from the cage of the human society, the wise Baloo, the mysterious Kaa or the vengeful Shere Khan. The Jungle Book is about birth and death, solitude and partnership, about the magic of youth – so everything which can happen with a kid who had grown up with wolves.


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